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Building a Legacy

Building a Legacy

$10.00 (USD)

Building a legacy is like building a home or a life, it takes the right materials and also skilled and committed people, along with the blessing of God.

Cast: 2 (likely male)

Costumes: construction/work clothes

Props: carpentry tools, boards

Sample of script:

Max is on stage, working with boards, hammers his fingernail, screams

Max: Eyooowch! . . . Now that smarts! . .. Stupid lumber!

tries to set up the lumber again, it all falls down

Max: OK, this is just impossible!

Larry comes on stage

Larry: Sounds like heavy-duty construction going on here! What’s happening here Max?

Max: What’s not happening more like Larry! . . Trying to do a makeover on my house.

Larry: Good thing, nice to fix the old place up, (looks around), good solid place looks like, just needs a touch here, little upgrade there.

Max: Yeh, but every touch I make seems to be one step back. . . Maybe I am just not the Extreme Home makeover type.

Larry: Nonsense Max, I never met a person who couldn’t be a decent wood-butcher with a little trying.

Max: Wow, thanks Larry, makes me feel good to know someone has confidence in me.

Larry: OK, let’s start at the beginning, where are your plans?

Max: Plans?

Larry: Yes, blueprints.

Max: Blue?

Larry: Well the sketch of what you want your new home to look like.

Max, smiles: Now that I’ve got! . . (pulls a little piece of crumpled up paper out of pocket), see here is our dream home!

Larry, squints, holds the paper up, turns it around, looking at all angles:

Ummm, mind helping me a bit with this . . . What is it?

Max: I just kinda rough sketched out what we want in a dream house.

Larry: Ok, I can make out the front of the house . . kinda . . but what’s this thing here?

Max: That’s my wife, sorry I never was real good at drawing stick people.

Larry: OK, but there is no floor plan . . .

Max: Floor plan?

Larry: Yeh, like where the rooms are, the kitchen, living room . . .

Max: Oh they are on the main floor.

Larry: OK, that’s a start. . but where on the first floor?

Max: This is more complicated than I thought! . . Funny, it seems so simple on TV.

Larry: On TV?

Max: Yeh, on Extreme Makeover – Home Edition.

Larry: But on the TV show there is a crew of professionals who move in and do the job for you.

Max: Think if I phoned them they could drop by?

Larry: Likely not in time for your project.

Max: Rats! . . I thought maybe they would send me and my wife off to Disneyland when the tough stuff was going on.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 2
  • Run Time: 5
SKU: building-a-legacy-3474-3474 Categories: , , , Tag:


Building a legacy is like building a home or a life. It takes the right materials and also skilled and committed people, along with the blessing of God.

Cast: 2 m or f

  • Max
  • Larry

Bible Reference: Ephesians 2:10

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • carpentry tools, boards


  • construction/work clothes

Special Instructions: none

Time: 5

Sample of script:

Max is on stage, working with boards, hammers his fingernail, screams

Max: Eyooowch! . . . Now that smarts! . .. Stupid lumber!

tries to set up the lumber again, it all falls down

Max: OK, this is just impossible!

Larry comes on stage

Larry: Sounds like heavy-duty construction going on here! What’s happening here Max?

Max: What’s not happening more like Larry! . . Trying to do a makeover on my house.

Larry: Good thing, nice to fix the old place up, (looks around), good solid place looks like, just needs a touch here, little upgrade there.

Max: Yeh, but every touch I make seems to be one step back. . . Maybe I am just not the Extreme Home makeover type.

Larry: Nonsense Max, I never met a person who couldn’t be a decent wood-butcher with a little trying.

Max: Wow, thanks Larry, makes me feel good to know someone has confidence in me.

Larry: OK, let’s start at the beginning, where are your plans?

Max: Plans?

Larry: Yes, blueprints.

Max: Blue?

Larry: Well the sketch of what you want your new home to look like.

Max, smiles: Now that I’ve got! . . (pulls a little piece of crumpled up paper out of pocket), see here is our dream home!

Larry, squints, holds the paper up, turns it around, looking at all angles:

Ummm, mind helping me a bit with this . . . What is it?

Max: I just kinda rough sketched out what we want in a dream house.

Larry: Ok, I can make out the front of the house . . kinda . . but what’s this thing here?

Max: That’s my wife, sorry I never was real good at drawing stick people.

Larry: OK, but there is no floor plan . . .

Max: Floor plan?

Larry: Yeh, like where the rooms are, the kitchen, living room . . .

Max: Oh they are on the main floor.

Larry: OK, that’s a start. . but where on the first floor?

Max: This is more complicated than I thought! . . Funny, it seems so simple on TV.

Larry: On TV?

Max: Yeh, on Extreme Makeover – Home Edition.

Larry: But on the TV show there is a crew of professionals who move in and do the job for you.

Max: Think if I phoned them they could drop by?

Larry: Likely not in time for your project.

Max: Rats! . . I thought maybe they would send me and my wife off to Disneyland when the tough stuff was going on.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

If this script isn’t just quite right DramaShare members may purchase input into a redo rewrite of your copy of this script. Call (toll-free) 1-877-363-7262 to speak to the author, or send a note to [email protected] These minor ST Script Tweaker Service changes are available, see our Policy Page.


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