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Christian Chatter

Christian Chatter

$12.00 (USD)

Theme:       A humorous look at the things we Christians sometimes say.
A script which pokes fun at us Christians.
Bible Reference:     Psalm 126:2


Cast:         4, m or f, any age


Set:          blank


Lighting, Sound, Costumes:  standard


Props:        Bible


Time:        8


Sample of script:


Pat comes onstage reading Bible, after a few seconds Mackenzie comes onstage, sees Pat


Mackenzie:    Hey Pat, is that you? . .  In the Word I see. . . . Bless your heart!


Pat:          Sister Doris isn’t it? . .


Mackenzie:    Mackenzie actually.


Pat:          Oh sorry Sister Mackenzie . .  .


Mackenzie:    Brother Mackenzie actually . . . I am . . . male.


Pat:          Oh sorry Brother Mackenzie. I was so deep into the Word working on my testimony.


Mackenzie:    Awesome Pat, good to hear the incredible things the Lord is doing in His people. . . . But didn’t you just give your testimony at Wednesday night Bible study?


Tracy & Larry come onstage


Pat:          I did for a fact . . . but God is moving . . .!


Tracy:        You say God is moving? . .  Where is he moving to?


Larry:        Strange! . . . I commune with God in prayer three . .  four times a day. . . He never said a word to me about moving.


Tracy:        Leaving the heavenlies to live . . . where exactly?


Pat:          No, the Lord is not moving, he still dwells at Purelife Redeemed Fellowship Church, and in my heart. . . .  But as I was saying to Sister Mackenzie. .


Mackenzie:    That’s Brother . .  Brother Mackenzie . .


Pat:          So sorry Brother Mackenzie, its just I am so into the Word, busy writing my testimony and all . .


Larry:        Nice you are writing your testimony yet again Pat . .  You know me, I am the last to create division in the body but . . . I’m just not sure you oughta say the Lord dwells at Purelife Redeemed Fellowship Church. Might confuse a new believer, one who hasn’t maybe been bathed in the Holy Spirit, as have I and all my family ,. . . do I hear a “Praise God”?


all less than enthusiastic “Praise God!”


Tracy:        Yes Brother Larry, I agree we must use great and prayerful caution leaving wrong impressions that might be misinterpreted by those less into the Word. Just last week at our John 3:small group we were saying we have to guard against errant words coming from our mouths. .


Mackenzie:    Truly your words are golden Tracy; we must be vigilant we don’t cause a less anointed one to stumble.


Tracy:        Just a small praise item. Our John 3:group is attracting believers from all over this city, including that hurting couple, the Andersons from your church, Pat.


Pat:          Praise item indeed Tracy, we at Purelife have been constantly in prayer for the Andersons, we have heard reports of backsliding since they left our church.


Mackenzie:    We had a John 3:small group last season but we found we weren’t seeing much fruit so we now have a “In The World But Not Of The World” group.


Larry:        You likely heard of our “Fishing For Sinners” outreach men’s fellowship.


Pat:          We are excited about our amazing new small group, “Revelling in Revelations.”


Tracy:        Well in all we do we are just trying to be relevant.


Mackenzie:    And we are trying to have someone in our midst to hold us accountable.


Pat:          Our prayer is that we would be a light in the darkness.


Mackenzie:    Larry I saw your church outreach at work among the homeless last week, surprised you weren’t there.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 3
  • Run Time: 8
SKU: christian-chatter-3898 Categories: , Tag:


Christians talking with Christians.
A humorous look at the things we Christians sometimes say, talking Christianize.
A script which pokes friendly fun at us Christians.

Cast: 4 m or f

  • Pat
  • McKenzie
  • Larry
  • Tracy

Bible Reference: Psalm 126:2

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: Bible

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 8

Sample of script:

Pat comes onstage reading Bible, after a few seconds Mackenzie comes onstage, sees Pat

Mackenzie:    Hey Pat, is that you? . .  In the Word I see. . . . Bless your heart!

Pat:          Sister Doris isn’t it? . .

Mackenzie:    Mackenzie actually.

Pat:          Oh sorry Sister Mackenzie . .  .

Mackenzie:    Brother Mackenzie actually . . . I am . . . male.

Pat:          Oh sorry Brother Mackenzie. I was so deep into the Word working on my testimony.

Mackenzie:    Awesome Pat, good to hear the incredible things the Lord is doing in His people. . . . But didn’t you just give your testimony at Wednesday night Bible study?

Tracy & Larry come onstage

Pat:          I did for a fact . . . but God is moving . . .!

Tracy:        You say God is moving? . .  Where is he moving to?

Larry:        Strange! . . . I commune with God in prayer three . .  four times a day. . . He never said a word to me about moving.

Tracy:        Leaving the heavenlies to live . . . where exactly?

Pat:          No, the Lord is not moving, he still dwells at Purelife Redeemed Fellowship Church, and in my heart. . . .  But as I was saying to Sister Mackenzie. .

Mackenzie:    That’s Brother . .  Brother Mackenzie . .

Pat:          So sorry Brother Mackenzie, its just I am so into the Word, busy writing my testimony and all . .

Larry:        Nice you are writing your testimony yet again Pat . .  You know me, I am the last to create division in the body but . . . I’m just not sure you oughta say the Lord dwells at Purelife Redeemed Fellowship Church. Might confuse a new believer, one who hasn’t maybe been bathed in the Holy Spirit, as have I and all my family ,. . . do I hear a “Praise God”?

all less than enthusiastic “Praise God!”

Tracy:        Yes Brother Larry, I agree we must use great and prayerful caution leaving wrong impressions that might be misinterpreted by those less into the Word. Just last week at our John 3:small group we were saying we have to guard against errant words coming from our mouths. .

Mackenzie:    Truly your words are golden Tracy; we must be vigilant we don’t cause a less anointed one to stumble.

Tracy:        Just a small praise item. Our John 3:group is attracting believers from all over this city, including that hurting couple, the Andersons from your church, Pat.

Pat:          Praise item indeed Tracy, we at Purelife have been constantly in prayer for the Andersons, we have heard reports of backsliding since they left our church.

Mackenzie:    We had a John 3:small group last season but we found we weren’t seeing much fruit so we now have a “In The World But Not Of The World” group.

Larry:        You likely heard of our “Fishing For Sinners” outreach men’s fellowship.

Pat:          We are excited about our amazing new small group, “Revelling in Revelations.”

Tracy:        Well in all we do we are just trying to be relevant.

Mackenzie:    And we are trying to have someone in our midst to hold us accountable.

Pat:          Our prayer is that we would be a light in the darkness.

Mackenzie:    Larry I saw your church outreach at work among the homeless last week, surprised you weren’t there.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

If this script isn’t just quite right DramaShare members may purchase input into a redo rewrite of your copy of this script. Call (toll-free) 1-877-363-7262 to speak to the author, or send a note to [email protected] These minor ST Script Tweaker Service changes are available, see our Policy Page.


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