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Get a Grip on Anger

Get a Grip on Anger

$10.00 (USD)

a comedy look at learning to control anger.

Message:     Learning to control anger


Bible Reference:      Proverbs 22:8


Cast:         3 m or f


Set:          none


Costumes:    Jim Bob would have a track suit with short sleeves, others just regular clothing


Props:       empty soda can


Special Instructions:
Jim Bob is quick to anger and as he gets angry he curls his lip in a threatening way
Arch is just along for the ride, never appearing very interested in what goes on


Time:        6




Jim Bob comes on stage, doing exercises, could be lifting weights, or whatever is convenient. Squashes a soda can  in hand, very proud of muscles.

Arch and Norman come on stage, watch Jim Bob


Arch:        Wow, Jim Bob, you are some strong guy, I am some impressed!


Jim Bob, proud:     
Well, what can I say Arch? I did win the Intercontinental “Get a Grip” competition in Monrovia last year.


Norman:      The “Monrovia Get a Grip” competition?


Jim Bob:     You’re surely not saying you haven’t heard of it Norman? Was in all the Grip magazines, “Grip International”, “Gripping for Health”, “Grip for Greatness”, “Gripping Real Good” . . . . .


Norman:      No, I can’t say I have heard . . .  (pause, unbelieving)  . .  .What?  “Gripping Real Good”?


Jim Bob:     Yes, the official publication of Good Grippers International.


Arch:        Think that’s the magazine I was reading at the library last week.


Jim Bob, to Arch:    
So you are a Gripper too?


Arch:        Gripping is my life I tell ya.


Jim Bob:     Hey awesome! Lay the old Grippers salute on me bud!


Arch:        Ummm, lets see, I think I missed that class.


Norman:      So what do Grippers do?


Jim Bob, annoyed:   
Do? Give me a break, what would Grippers do?


Arch:        Yeah, not a real “heady” kinda question there, Norman, I mean like hoo hoo, in like la la land!


Norman:      Well, I was just trying to get it straight, so I could understand . . .


Jim Bob, more annoyed:    
You know, buddy boy, I got only one nerve left and you are getting’ on it, understand?


Arch:        Yeah Norman, don’t go messin’ with the mind of a Gripper, if you know what's good for you!


Jim Bob, increasingly annoyed:     
Exactamondo! Us Grippers, we have a way of dealing with hicks and hecklers, make an example of you low-life types.


Arch:        Down with hicks and hecklers I always say.


Jim Bob:     You guys think you can just come in here, make fun of the Gripping that us guys have fought and died for over the centuries!

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 3
  • Run Time: 6
SKU: get-a-grip-on-anger-1091-1091 Category: Tag:


a comedy look at learning to control anger.

Message:     Learning to control anger


Bible Reference:      Proverbs 22:8


Cast:         3 m or f


Set:          none


Costumes:    Jim Bob would have a track suit with short sleeves, others just regular clothing


Props:       empty soda can


Special Instructions:
Jim Bob is quick to anger and as he gets angry he curls his lip in a threatening way
Arch is just along for the ride, never appearing very interested in what goes on


Time:        6




Jim Bob comes on stage, doing exercises, could be lifting weights, or whatever is convenient. Squashes a soda can  in hand, very proud of muscles.

Arch and Norman come on stage, watch Jim Bob


Arch:        Wow, Jim Bob, you are some strong guy, I am some impressed!


Jim Bob, proud:     
Well, what can I say Arch? I did win the Intercontinental “Get a Grip” competition in Monrovia last year.


Norman:      The “Monrovia Get a Grip” competition?


Jim Bob:     You’re surely not saying you haven’t heard of it Norman? Was in all the Grip magazines, “Grip International”, “Gripping for Health”, “Grip for Greatness”, “Gripping Real Good” . . . . .


Norman:      No, I can’t say I have heard . . .  (pause, unbelieving)  . .  .What?  “Gripping Real Good”?


Jim Bob:     Yes, the official publication of Good Grippers International.


Arch:        Think that’s the magazine I was reading at the library last week.


Jim Bob, to Arch:    
So you are a Gripper too?


Arch:        Gripping is my life I tell ya.


Jim Bob:     Hey awesome! Lay the old Grippers salute on me bud!


Arch:        Ummm, lets see, I think I missed that class.


Norman:      So what do Grippers do?


Jim Bob, annoyed:   
Do? Give me a break, what would Grippers do?


Arch:        Yeah, not a real “heady” kinda question there, Norman, I mean like hoo hoo, in like la la land!


Norman:      Well, I was just trying to get it straight, so I could understand . . .


Jim Bob, more annoyed:    
You know, buddy boy, I got only one nerve left and you are getting’ on it, understand?


Arch:        Yeah Norman, don’t go messin’ with the mind of a Gripper, if you know what's good for you!


Jim Bob, increasingly annoyed:     
Exactamondo! Us Grippers, we have a way of dealing with hicks and hecklers, make an example of you low-life types.


Arch:        Down with hicks and hecklers I always say.


Jim Bob:     You guys think you can just come in here, make fun of the Gripping that us guys have fought and died for over the centuries!

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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