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Happy Party

Happy Party

$10.00 (USD)

Even the initial skepticism followed by a visit from the Roman soldiers can not calm down the exuberance of the disciples when they hear that Jesus has risen. Several non-speaking parts could be added. Other Bible references are Matthew 28, Mark 16, John 20

Cast: 6 speaking parts – Mary – Elizabeth – Matthew – Peter – Flavius – soldier any number non-speaking parts

Sample of script:

Mary, Elizabeth, Matthew (and non-speaking actors) are sitting/standing around, all except Matthew are excited, speaking loud and excited
Matthew: Fine, enjoy yourselves. As for me I will wait until Peter gets back before I believe the news.
Elizabeth: Matthew, have you not listened to a word we have said? mimes speaking in sign language, right in Matthew’s face, speaks very slowly as though to a little child) The . . tomb . . . was . . empty!Mary, also mimes sign language, making fun of Matthew: The . . . angel . . . told . . . us . . the . . . Master . . . has . . risen . . from . . . the . . . . . dead!
Elizabeth: What . . part . . . of . . . “He . . is . . . alive” . . . do . . you . . not . . . understand, . . . Matthew?
Matthew: Fine, make jokes, I saw what I saw. He was dead, in the tomb.
Mary, mocking seriousness: Mmmm, let me think now . . . Did this ever happen before?
Elizabeth, playing along: I am not sure why, but the name Lazarus seems to come to mind.
Mary: Now I too remember, Elizabeth! I seem to remember someone by that name . . . raised from the dead after several days in the tomb as I recall.
Elizabeth: Exactly, Mary! And let me think . . . wasn’t there a certain centurion’s child who . . .
Matthew: Enough you two! Yes, Jesus did raise the dead. But how can the dead raise himself from the dead. At any rate, I will believe it when Peter returns . . if he returns.
Mary: Matthew, why would you not believe when the two of us, Elizabeth and I tell you, yet you would believe if Peter, one person, confirms it?
Matthew: Because Peter is a mm . . . .
Elizabeth: A mmmm . .? Would you be trying to say that Peter is more believable because he is a . . . man?
Matthew: I was saying no such thing . . I was simply stating that . .
Mary: Yes, go ahead Matthew, we are all ears!
Matthew: I was saying that . . .
loud knock is heard
Matthew: It is the door . . Is no one going to answer . . well, don’t just stand there!
Mary, laughing: Saved by the bell! goes to the door Who is it?
Voice of Peter from off stage: It’s me, Peter!
Mary: You mean the Peter we all know and trust?
Elizabeth: The one whose opinion is far more reliable than mere women’s?
Voice of Peter off stage: Would you hens stop the cackling and open the door now!
Mary mimes opening door, Peter comes on stage
Mary & Elizabeth: Woh, woh, woh! Peeeteeeer! Peeeeteeer! Peeeteeer!
Peter: Mind telling me what this is all about?
Matthew: These two are being women!
Elizabeth: And someone said Matthew wasn’t observant!
Matthew: Enough! Now then Peter, what did you find out at the tomb?
Peter: It is true! He has risen indeed!
Matthew: What wonderful news! He is risen!
Elizabeth: Don’t you wish we would have said that Mary?
Matthew: News of this magnitude needed to be corroborated by more than one person.
Mary, fakes serious contemplation: Let’s see, (points at Elizabeth), Elizabeth is one, and then there’s, (points at herself), me, which would be two.
Elizabeth: Which could be compared to, (points at Peter), Peter who is, one, actually.
Matthew: Would you two . . . .
loud banging on the door
Peter: Who is it?
Voice of centurion off stage: It’s Flavius, centurion of the palace guard. Open up immediately!

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 6
  • Run Time: 10
SKU: happy-party-363 Categories: , , Tag:


Even the initial skepticism followed by a visit from the Roman soldiers can not calm down the exuberance of the disciples when they hear that Jesus has risen.

Cast:.  6 +

  • 6 speaking parts
    • Mary
    • Elizabeth
    • Matthew
    • Peter
    • Flavius
    • soldier
  • any number of non-speaking parts

Bible Reference: . Luke 24, Matthew 28, Mark 16, John 20

Set:      bare room with table and chairs

Lighting:        standard

  Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song:     none

SFX:  none

Costumes:      likely but not necessarily traditional


Special Instructions:   none

  Time:  10

Sample of script:

Mary, Elizabeth, Matthew & non-speaking actors are sitting/standing, all except Matthew are excited, loud

Matthew: Fine, enjoy yourselves. As for me I will wait until Peter gets back before I believe the news.

Elizabeth: Matthew, have you not listened to a word we have said?  ( mimes, in Matthew’s face sign language, speaks slowly as though to a child)  The . . tomb . . . was . . empty!

Mary, mimes sign language, making fun of Matthew: The . . . angel . . . told . . . us . . the . . . Master . . . has . . risen . . from . . . the . . . . . dead!

Elizabeth: What . . part . . . of . . . “He . . is . . . alive” . . . do . . you . . not . . . understand, . . . Matthew?

Matthew: Fine, make jokes, I saw what I saw. He was dead, in the tomb.

Mary, mocks serious: Mmmm, let me think now . . . Did this ever happen before?

Elizabeth, playing along: I am not sure why, but the name Lazarus seems to come to mind.

Mary: Now I too remember, Elizabeth! I seem to remember someone by that name . . . raised from the dead after several days in the tomb as I recall.

Elizabeth: Exactly, Mary! And let me think . . . wasn’t there a certain centurion’s child who . . .

Matthew: Enough you two! Yes, Jesus did raise the dead. But how can the dead raise himself from the dead. At any rate, I will believe it when Peter returns . . if he returns.

Mary:   Matthew, why would you not believe when the two of us, Elizabeth and I tell you, yet you would believe if Peter, one person, confirms it?

Matthew: Because Peter is a mm . . . .

Elizabeth: A mmmm . .? Would you be trying to say that Peter is more believable because he is a . . . man?

Matthew: I was saying no such thing . . I was simply stating that . .

Mary: Yes, go ahead Matthew, we are all ears!

Matthew: I was saying that . . .

loud knock is heard

Matthew: It is the door . . Is no one going to answer . . well, don’t just stand there!

Mary, laughing: Saved by the bell! goes to the door Who is it?

Peter, off stage: It’s me, Peter!

Mary: You mean the Peter we all know and trust?

Elizabeth: The one whose opinion is far more reliable than mere women’s?

Peter, off stage: Would you hens stop the cackling and open the door now!

Mary mimes opening door, Peter comes on stage

Mary & Elizabeth: Woh, woh, woh! Peeeteeeer! Peeeeteeer! Peeeteeer!

Peter: Mind telling me what this is all about?

Matthew: These two are being women!

Elizabeth: And someone said Matthew wasn’t observant!

Matthew: Enough! Now then Peter, what did you find out at the tomb?

Peter: It is true! He has risen indeed!

Matthew: What wonderful news! He is risen!

Elizabeth: Don’t you wish we would have said that Mary?

Matthew: News of this magnitude needed to be corroborated by more than one person.

Mary, fakes serious: Let’s see, (points at Elizabeth), Elizabeth is one, and then there’s, (points at herself), me, which would be two.

Elizabeth: Which could be compared to, (points at Peter), Peter who is, one, actually.

Matthew: Would you two . . . .

loud banging on the door

Peter: Who is it?

Flavius, off stage: It’s Flavius, centurion of the palace guard. Open up immediately!

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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