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Ministry Volunteering

Ministry Volunteering

$12.00 (USD)

  • Cast Number: 7+
  • Run Time: 8
  • Bible Reference: 1Peter 4:10-11
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The dreaded searching, beseeching. . OK, the begging for volunteers in church ministry.
Sometimes tough though it is to recruit energetic, committed people to staff our essential services, without an adequate volunteer base the church will not be the local force which God expects. Without someone to do the ministry work there is no repeating the good news.
It takes a plan, to use, not abuse, a plan which spreads the work among many and guards against over-committing anyone. We need to show the “uncommitted” what they are actually missing in ministry, wherever that essential role may be, such as Sunday School, Choir, leadership, music, driving the home-bound to appointments, or folding bulletins, we need innovative means of “getting the under-utilized” to experience the amazing work that all pays back in relationships, watching as another benefit from your work.
Cast: 7+
Run-Time: 8 minutes
Set:blank stage
Sound, costumes: standard
Props: design, print and frame an UP-AN-AT-IT Award.
 Bible Reference: 1 Peter 4:10-11

Special Instructions:
Start off the drama with Leader presenting a service award, UP-AN-AT- IT Award, to a volunteer. This can be actual leader and volunteer in the church, or
people acting out roles.

Sample of script:
Leader comes onstage
Leader: Wow wasn’t that awesome to hear that, (name of actual volunteer), was recognized with that UP-AN-AT-IT Award for being a dedicated volunteer! Let’s give a show of appreciation to (name of volunteer, leads congregation applause) 
So give this to our awesome volunteer, (name of volunteer), so deserving!
(volunteer leaves the stage to applause)
Leader: Carrying right along, I am so proud to announce “Misty McFine,” someone new to our congregation, has agreed to be our new coordinator of our Music here at Rockin’ On Trinity Evangelical Network church!
(Misty from congregation, half stands, gasps, sits down, leader appears not to notice, continues)

Leader: Misty, no good hiding, where are you?

Misty, stands, in shock:
But, I mean, I said I would maybe sing a solo once in a while, but . .
Leader: Solo . . Leader of the band . . . Same difference . . Tomato Tomahta I always say!

Misty, tears: I wanted to serve, not to be an everyday slave!
Misty in tears, sits down

Leader: I always say, “Look there’s an important job to be done, we just gotta do it!”
Now then, we have Florette . . . can’t just remember her name, met her down at
the car-wash last Friday!
Come on down Florette!
Way I figure it, we can maybe rope you into being the lead bass guitar player.
(gasp from the congregation, no one shows, leader repeats)

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