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Phobites Anonymous

Phobites Anonymous

$15.00 (USD)

Living with phobias, living in fear, seems like people are in fear of everything, including being in fear of being in fear.
This nine part comedy drama, (can be done as individual skits, or as a series), examines some of the phobias associated with church: callaphobia – the fear of full time call of God, Shareaphobia – fear of sharing God, Flopaphobia – the fear of failing, Folksaphobia – fear of parents, Meaphobia – fear of self, Doaphobia – fear of responsibility, Disaphobia – fear of rejection, Croakaphobia – fear of eternity, Zapaphobia – fear of God

Sample of script:

SET 1 Calliphobia:

1 comes on stage, nervous, speaks hesitatingly

1: Good evening, my name is 1, and I, (wipes tear from eyes), am a Phobite.

many off-stage voices: Hey 1! How are you 1? Good havin’ you here tonight 1! Welcome, welcome. Etc.

Voice M: Tell us a bit about yourself 1, and what’s your phobia.

Voice F: Yah, whatcha all about?

1: Well, this isn’t easy to talk about but . . .

Voice M: We know it ain’t boy, but see that’s what Phobites Anonymous is all about. So just take it easy, know you’re among friends here, all of us have phobias.

1: Well, that does make it easier alright. Well, over the years I have had many phobias. Started out when I was a kid, first starting to talk, I developed verbophobia.

Voice F: Poor kid! Fear of words is a tragedy is what!

1: I know. Seeing a word or hearing a word made me break out in hives!

Voice M: I gotta tell you I once suffered from hiveaphobia. That’s what first brought me to PA.

1: PA?

Voice M: Phobites Anonymous.

1: Oh right. Anyhow, eventually I got over that. Next it was sophophobia.

Voice F: Fear of learning is a toughie to overcome.

1: To this day I don’t know how I finally conquered that one.

Voice M: Did you have friends to help you boy?

1: No one close around me, but this one friend used to call me on the phone every night.

Voice F: Don’t come near me talking about phones!

Voice M: I did not know you had phonophobia!

Voice F: Has been my Achilles heel for years, lately it has developed into cellphonophobia.

1: I started to go to church and that helped some.

Voice M: Me, I can’t go to church. Ecclesiophobia.

Voice F: You have fear of churches? Wow! Me, I got Homilophobia, fear of sermons.

1: But now I am really spooked! I am afraid I just might have . . . . . (drum roll) . . calliphobia!

Voice F, gasps: No way! It can not be, I mean this is awful, I mean to have calliphobia, why that simply means . . . (pause) what does that mean?

Voice M: Calliphobia. Fear of the full time call of God. A bad one for sure.

Voice F: Is there any known cure?

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 11
  • Run Time: 30
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Living with phobias, living in fear, people in fear of everything, including fear of being in fear.
This nine part comedy drama, (can be done as individual skits, or as a series), examines some of the phobias associated with church: callaphobia – the fear of full time call of God, Shareaphobia – fear of sharing God, Flopaphobia – the fear of failing, Folksaphobia – fear of parents, Meaphobia – fear of self, Doaphobia – fear of responsibility, Disaphobia – fear of rejection, Croakaphobia – fear of eternity, Zapaphobia – fear of God
NOTE: we are not in any way minimizing the real effects of phobias.

Cast: 11

  • M – male narrator for each segment could be same person or new actors, may be offstage
  • F – female narrator for each segment could be same person or new actors, may be offstage
  • 1 – 9 the person with the “phobia” in each segment

Bible Reference: 2 Timothy 1:7

Set: blank

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard


  • drum roll

Props: Bible

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 30

Sample of script:

SET 1 Calliphobia:

1 comes on stage, nervous, speaks hesitatingly

1: Good evening, my name is 1, and I, (wipes tear from eyes), am a Phobite.

many off-stage voices: Hey 1! How are you 1? Good havin’ you here tonight 1! Welcome, welcome. Etc.

Voice M: Tell us a bit about yourself 1, and what’s your phobia.

Voice F: Yah, whatcha all about?

1: Well, this isn’t easy to talk about but . . .

Voice M: We know it ain’t boy, but see that’s what Phobites Anonymous is all about. So just take it easy, know you’re among friends here, all of us have phobias.

1: Well, that does make it easier alright. Well, over the years I have had many phobias. Started out when I was a kid, first starting to talk, I developed verbophobia.

Voice F: Poor kid! Fear of words is a tragedy is what!

1: I know. Seeing a word or hearing a word made me break out in hives!

Voice M: I gotta tell you I once suffered from hiveaphobia. That’s what first brought me to PA.

1: PA?

Voice M: Phobites Anonymous.

1: Oh right. Anyhow, eventually I got over that. Next it was sophophobia.

Voice F: Fear of learning is a toughie to overcome.

1: To this day I don’t know how I finally conquered that one.

Voice M: Did you have friends to help you boy?

1: No one close around me, but this one friend used to call me on the phone every night.

Voice F: Don’t come near me talking about phones!

Voice M: I did not know you had phonophobia!

Voice F: Has been my Achilles heel for years, lately it has developed into cellphonophobia.

1: I started to go to church and that helped some.

Voice M: Me, I can’t go to church. Ecclesiophobia.

Voice F: You have fear of churches? Wow! Me, I got Homilophobia, fear of sermons.

1: But now I am really spooked! I am afraid I just might have . . . . .

(SFX: drum roll)

1: . . calliphobia!

Voice F, gasps: No way! It can not be, I mean this is awful, I mean to have calliphobia, why that simply means . . . (pause) what does that mean?

Voice M: Calliphobia. Fear of the full time call of God. A bad one for sure.

Voice F: Is there any known cure?

1, holds up Bible: Somebody gave me this book, haven’t tried it yet. Think I will give it a shot, I mean, what do I have to lose?

Voice F: All I can say, good thing you don’t have printophobia like me.

Voice M: But way I see it you got panophobia.

Voice F: Say it isn’t so! Panophobia, the fear of . . . everything!

1: Somehow I just gotta overcome my callaphobia, I mean why do I fear the full time call of God? Look, I am gonna go now, gonna read this here book, if I find out anything I will report back next meeting.

Voice F: You do that 1. And just you remember, we are all here for you. You have any trouble why you get a hold of us right off. Except not on phone. And don’t drive over, my vehiculaphobia is driving me wild right now, but you just . . .

(voice drowns out)

SET 2 Shareaphobia

2 comes on stage, nervous, speaks

2: Good evening. My name is 2, and I am a Phobite.

many off-stage voices: Hey 2! How are you 2? Good havin’ you here tonight 2! Welcome, welcome. Etc.

Voice M: Tell us a bit about yourself 2, and what’s your phobia.

Voice F: Yah, whatcha all about?

2: Look, maybe this wasn’t such a great idea, me coming here and all, I mean, I am not like the rest of you guys, I mean, my phobias are normal, all under control, I mean I can quit with my phobias any time I want to, just like that . . .

Voice M: Look kid, I wish I had a penny for every time I hear a guy stand right there, say what you just said. Fact is you are out of control and you need help bad kid. You can not make it on your own, that’s what Phobites Anonymous is all about. So just take it easy, settle down kid, know we all been there, all of us have phobias. We are simply doing something about it. And you can too!

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

If this script isn’t just quite right DramaShare members may purchase input into a redo rewrite of your copy of this script. Call (toll-free) 1-877-363-7262 to speak to the author, or send a note to [email protected] These minor ST Script Tweaker Service changes are available, see our Policy Page.


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