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Woman Your Son

Run-time: 30
Cast-number: 18
Mary, the mother of Jesus, and John the disciple were instructed by Jesus at the cross to be “mother” and “son” to the other. Now years later they remember the birth of Jesus, and the life that lead to the cross. Along the way there are flashbacks where we meet the angel Gabriel, Joseph, the innkeeper and his wife, the wisemen, shepherds and a Roman soldier. Useful for Christmas or any time of the year. Cast: of…

Your Sons Blood

Run-time: 30
Cast-number: 11
Bible reference: Mark
only the Son can save us. A story of a mass illness in the world. A family fights for immunization. A Doctor's son has clean blood which can be used to save these sick people, but he needs to sacrifice his son Eli.With CNN and television this drama has modern day illustrations to a problem that was addressed over 2000 years ago. A play in one act Adapted from a short story (Author Unknown)by Andrew Herbst &…
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