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Willing Hearts

Run-time: 10
Cast-number: 2
Bible reference: Exodus
God wants our offerings, but mostly he wants them to be from a heart eager and excited to give. This comedy is all about a guy who is trying to find "open-handed" people in the church. Literally.

Win the Race – Telling Others

Run-time: 10
Cast-number: 6
Bible reference: Acts
Winning the race with God’s grace. A segment of the 5 part drama, designed for VBS or children’s camp, uses the theme of car racing to focus on finding your purpose in life. This segment focuses on telling others about Jesus. Five racers, (Andi Airhead, Randy Ratchet, Ted Tirechanger, Wendy Wrench, Trudy Treadwear), are joined by a racer wannabe, singer Laps the Racer. The result is silliness with a message. Sample of script: Fifth Segment (Finale): Finding…

With Palms or With Praise

Run-time: 10
Cast-number: 1
Bible reference: Matthew
Palm Sunday, the King is coming. Will we be worshipping him or simply going through another symbolic palm waving experience? This monologue has the presenter dressed in Biblical costume to welcome the Messiah - (is He going to do what He said He would do?), are we truly believing Him as He enters on the donkey instead a golden chariot? Then presenter sheds his costume, now dressed as modern day. He/she challenges the congregation how we are…

Without Beginning or End

Run-time: 10
Cast-number: 6
Bible reference: Luke
God is without beginning or end, unchanging. This drama takes us from the Holy Birth on into the life that Jesus had teaching and preaching to the masses, to His crucufiction and ressurection.A drama which talks of the baby in the manger and the life that he lived through to the tombSample of script:actors come on stageSandra: Come, children, let me read you the story without beginning or end.Child 1: “Without beginning”? How can that be? Everything…

Witnessing, Some Jesus in That

Run-time: 6
Cast-number: 5
Bible reference: Colossians
Witnessing effectively is the theme of this comedy. A group of would-be witnessers use a questionable, (and thoroughly ineffective), scare tactic to preach salvation. Characters: Brittney — ditsy dumb blond Matt — major jock Steven — normal Allison — smarty pants Voice (can be an actual person) Sample of script: Brittney and Steven enter together from stage left or back of sanctuary Steven, with no feeling: 0. K. You know what to do right? Brittney: Like, duh!…

Woman Of The World

Run-time: 8
Cast-number: 1
Bible reference: Luke
Theme:       Being a Christian woman in a predominantly non-Christian world, being pitted against feminism, apathy and a world view that Christianity is irrelevant and outmoded. Women have gained greatly in many areas but there are still inequities.   Bible Reference:      Luke 1:/p>   Cast:         1 female   Set, Sound, Costumes:       standard   Time:        8   Sample of script:   actor comes on stage   What’s that old saying? . . . “It’s a jungle out there!” Fact…


Run-time: 5
Cast-number: 1
Bible reference: Hebrews
Words, a two edged sword, can build up or tear down, bring peace or bring war. A short monologue skit, easily staged. Sound: soft, moody music in minor key in the background Sample of script: In the beginning was the Word And the Word was with God And the Word was God. Word: a unit of language, carrier of meaning, verbal expression, news, tidings, information, message, a proverb or motto, text or lyric, an authoritive utterance or…

Works Everytime

Run-time: 2
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: 3John
promoting men's group in the church. Giving hugs and having fun. A comedy. Sample of script: Gary Hi, Les! How’s it going? Les Oh hi, Gary. Well, if you really must know, not too good. Gary Why? What’s wrong? Les It’s my wife! She thinks that I am just not comfortable enough showing affection in public! Gary That’s crazy! You two have been married for all long time! How could she think you couldn’t be comfortable showing…

World Shapers

Run-time: 7
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Psalm
Getting in shape for service to God and God's people. A women's program is coming but some women aren't real sure of their facts. A comedy

WWJD Radio

Run-time: 5
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: James
Sometimes we just don't get it. We take a bible verse, yank it out of context, and treat it like a magical incantation or a patent medicine being hawked on the radio. In the style of over the top Top-40 Radio program. Cast: 2 & narrator Set: radio studio Props: mics and earphones Characters: Mac and Judy-- on air personalities. Introduction/ Narrator: Sometimes we just don’t get it. We take a bible verse, yank it out of…