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Prayer, Fasting and Pantry Items

Run-time: 12
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: 1.Corinthians
Going forth with prayer, fasting and pantry items. And doing it all without churchy jargon. Reaching out to those around us, both in prayer and in practical ways. Keeping our focus on those who are in need outside the church, and treating them as people, not as projects. Cast: 3 (females) Donna (mid 20’s or older) Joan (mid 20’s or older) Lorna (40’s or older) Set, lighting, sound, costumes: standard Props: cell phone Sample of script: Donna…


Run-time: 15
Cast-number: 2
Bible reference: 1Peter
As Christians we need to see in other people the image of one for whom Christ died, and this extends even to those who we would consider as enemies and persecutors, . . . sometimes even people we might think of as . . . . jerks. And the most important relationship we have is with God. The need for love, loyalty and mercy in relationships. Sample of script: Tony is on stage sitting on a chair,…

Right Where You Are

Run-time: 30
Cast-number: 4
Bible reference: Ephesians
A sweet and tender Church drama skit about serving where God has placed you, he has a purpose for your life. Uncle Charlie has spent a lifetime praying that he might be a missionary, doing the important things in spreading the word of God. But he learns that serving right at home, telling young people the story of God's love, even fixing little shoes, can make a big difference in the kingdom of God.Good for any time…

Sing A Love Song

Run-time: 20
Cast-number: 4
Bible reference: Psalm
A Christian drama fun activity for audience participation, and any size of audience. This is a shorter version of DramaShare's "Sing A Silly Love Song" script which includes comedy of Tim The Toolman Taylor, Al Borland and next door neighbour Mr. Wilson Note: good singing ability is not a requirement! Four groups or individuals react to keywords in a story by singing a snippet from a love song. Great for any celebration including Valentines or couples retreat.…

Sing A Silly Love Song

Run-time: 45
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Psalm
A fun activity for audience participation, any size of audience. Note: good singing ability is anything but a requirement! Individuals in the audience react to keywords in a story by singing a snippet from a love song. Great for any occasion, including Valentines or couples retreat. Peuther FWB Church in Virginia performed this drama for Valentines Day and report:"Our Valentine dinner was a great one and everyone enjoyed the singing drama! Thanks for writing this for us.  One group---I…

Singularly Happy

Run-time: 12
Cast-number: 2
Bible reference: Jeremiah
Being single in a couples world isn't easy. However with God already having things planned for us, why would we waste time worrying about it? Being alone, single, believing that God has a plan for your life. We must be open and listen and trust. Key words: single God’s timing lonely Sample of script: Scene opens as Dennis is sitting on the floor at center stage. Cheryl enters stage right. Cheryl:Hi Dennis! What are you doing? Dennis,…

Some are Created Equaler

Run-time: 8
Cast-number: 8
Bible reference: James
Playing favourites, when some are considered better than others because of being rich or poor, famous or ordinary. Shows that any form of discrimination is wrong, and foolish. We should not practice favouritism but treat everyone equally, and love our neighbour as ourselves. A Comedy. Cast: 7, made up of 6 actors, any age or gender plus offstage voice Set: The focus is on three chairs at center stage, this is to represent the back seat of…

Strange Regrets

Run-time: 20
Cast-number: 5
Bible reference: 2Timothy
A kind of comedy drama, dealing with regret, denial, honestyWhen it comes to regrets, well, God expects us to deal with the issue head on, not to try to rename it, avoid it, or pretend it's not there.Running away from our regrets, saying we have no regrets, is neither healthy nor productive. Sample of script: Billy: You know, I really do regret that. Mandy: You regret it? Billy: Uh huh. Edna: Mind telling us mortals why you…

The Big Picture

Run-time: 20
Cast-number: 5
Bible reference: Ephesians
A Christian's continuing journey of faith, understanding, knowledge, patience.Frankly I expected an easier road after I became a Christian, after I was baptized, but it seems like there are a lot of pieces that don't seem to be falling into place the way I expected. Sample of script: Jessie: Hey Tim, what’s up? Tim: Nothin’ much, just hangin’ out here. What about you? Jessie: Actually waiting for Bonnie, we are gonna go to our “How To Be…

The Dating Zone

Run-time: 6
Cast-number: 6
Bible reference: Genesis
Comedy spoof written by Salby Sherman of WA, with a message in the style of the “Twilight Zone”, it was written to go with a dating message in a sermon which presents the pros and cons of teen dating. Narrators “pause” the action to make comments as they watch 2 girls texting and discussing dating, as a boy says “hi” and his friend plays a practical joke on him. Cast: 6 2 F 4 Males (Narrators can…