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Called To Patience

Called To Patience

$10.00 (USD)

Theme:       Patience is the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed. And patience is something, (in spite of instruction from the Bible no less), that most of us are short on.


Bible Reference:      Ephesians 4:2


Cast:         5, likely younger, male or female


Set, Sound, Costumes:       standard


Time:        4


Sample of script:


Kendall is onstage, shows frustration, looks at watch, looks offstage, back to watch, paces


Kendall:      Doesn’t that just beat all! . . . (paces, looks at watch) . . . Where is that person?


paces more, very frustrated, annoyed, Riley, Parker, Dakota, Jordan come on stage


Riley:        Hey Kendall, how’s your day?


Kendall, mad:  Rotten and getting worse, thanks for asking!


Parker:       Why do I sense a problem here?


Dakota:       At risk of life and limb, should I ask why things are rotten and getting worse?


Kendall, mad:  Ask away, anything you want . . . OK?


Dakota takes a step back, all actors show fear


Jordan:       Umm, anything I could do to make things, you know, like better, somehow?


Kendall:      You know how to turn someone into a rock?


Jordan:       No . . . no, actually that is way above my pay grade, and my skill-set, actually.


Riley:        Care to share who you want to turn into a rock? . . . And why, maybe?


Kendall:      It’s Terri, and you know how Terri operates!


Dakota:       Yeah, I know Terri, but I didn’t know Terri was a doctor.


Kendall:      Whatever are you talking nonsense about Dakota? . . . Terri is many things but for sure not a doctor!


Dakota:       Well you were saying about how Terri operates, and mostly operating is left to doctors, mostly . . . and maybe out-of-work actors when a doctor isn’t around.


Parker:       How come you are so out of control angry with Terri, Kendall?


Kendall:      Well, fact is Terri was supposed to meet me here, like . . (looks at watch) . . . like almost fifteen minutes ago! . . . What a friend that Terri is, not showing up!


Riley:        So Terri has a habit of not showing up for appointments?


Kendall:      Yes . . . well, likely I mean . . .


Riley:        Likely?


The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 5
  • Run Time: 4
SKU: called-to-patience-4028 Categories: , Tag:


Patience is the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties.

Or to suffer without complaining or becoming annoyed. And patience is something, (in spite of instruction from the Bible no less), that most of us are short on.

Part of the “Called To” series:

This script . . . . Called To Patience

Cast: 5 m or f

  • Parker
  • Riley
  • Jordan
  • Dakota
  • Kendall

Bible Reference: Ephesians 4:2

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 4

Sample of script:

Kendall is onstage, shows frustration, looks at watch, looks offstage, back to watch, paces

Kendall:      Doesn’t that just beat all! . . . (paces, looks at watch) . . . Where is that person?

paces more, very frustrated, annoyed, Riley, Parker, Dakota, Jordan come on stage

Riley:        Hey Kendall, how’s your day?

Kendall, mad:  Rotten and getting worse, thanks for asking!

Parker:       Why do I sense a problem here?

Dakota:       At risk of life and limb, should I ask why things are rotten and getting worse?

Kendall, mad:  Ask away, anything you want . . . OK?

Dakota takes a step back, all actors show fear

Jordan:       Umm, anything I could do to make things, you know, like better, somehow?

Kendall:      You know how to turn someone into a rock?

Jordan:       No . . . no, actually that is way above my pay grade, and my skill-set, actually.

Riley:        Care to share who you want to turn into a rock? . . . And why, maybe?

Kendall:      It’s Terri, and you know how Terri operates!

Dakota:       Yeah, I know Terri, but I didn’t know Terri was a doctor.

Kendall:      Whatever are you talking nonsense about Dakota? . . . Terri is many things but for sure not a doctor!

Dakota:       Well you were saying about how Terri operates, and mostly operating is left to doctors, mostly . . . and maybe out-of-work actors when a doctor isn’t around.

Parker:       How come you are so out of control angry with Terri, Kendall?

Kendall:      Well, fact is Terri was supposed to meet me here, like . . (looks at watch) . . . like almost fifteen minutes ago! . . . What a friend that Terri is, not showing up!

Riley:        So Terri has a habit of not showing up for appointments?

Kendall:      Yes . . . well, likely I mean . . .

Riley:        Likely?

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

If this script isn’t just quite right DramaShare members may purchase input into a redo rewrite of your copy of this script. Call (toll-free) 1-877-363-7262 to speak to the author, or send a note to [email protected] These minor ST Script Tweaker Service changes are available, see our Policy Page.


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