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Gamble With Eternity

Gamble With Eternity

$12.00 (USD)

The biggest TV game show in all of hell, the show that all the demons are watching, and the game that all the mortals are playing. Sulfur Productions presents: Gamble with Eternity focuses on salvation, judgement and false religion

Sample of script:

D. K.: (offstage announcer) And now it’s time for the biggest TV game show in all of hell, the show that all the demons are watching, and the game that all the mortals are playing. Sulfur Productions presents: “Gamble with Eternity”.

(Applause sounds. Enter Demon Deception and Miriam. Fade music.)

Deception: Welcome, everyone, to Gamble with Eternity. I’m your host, Mr. Deception, and here we are again with Miriam Dooble, who’s been on our show now for the last four episodes.

Miriam: Yeah it’s been great coming here to visit the spirit world. Like, I really get off on experiencing a higher plane, you know what I mean?

Deception: Yes, Miriam, you’ve been experiencing all sorts of different belief systems and mystical visions and revelations since you’ve been coming on our show, but last week you said you’ve finally found something you really liked.

Miriam: Right. The High Order of the Enlightened Unified Earth Lovers is just what I’ve been lookin’ for. I’ve always wanted to be reincarnated as a dolphin, and now I’ll get my chance.

Deception: And don’t forget you also get your own personal guru, and a year’s supply of Cosmic Karma incense. But tell us, Miriam, do you have any worries about whether your new religion will actually turn out to be true in the end?

Miriam: Hey, man, it’s true for me. Everybody has their own truth, man.


Deception: Isn’t that wonderful, audience, don’t you just love a happy contestant?

(Music. Enter hooded figure to lead off Miriam.)

Well, it’s time for you to get back home, Miriam, but thanks for being on our show, and we hope you enjoyed your visit to the spirit world.

Miriam: Hey, my friends’ll think it was outasite. Even better than an out-of-the-body experience.

Deception: We’ll see you again, Miriam.

(Exit Miriam and hooded figure.)

I’m sure we will see Miriam again, folks, but now it’s time to meet our next contestant. Tell us who he is, D. K.


D. K.: (Offstage voice.) Our next content is someone we’ve been hoping to get on our show for a long time. He’s prominent churchgoer and an active volunteer in many charities. Welcome Sam Tares.

(Enter puzzled Sam led by hooded figure. Cease music. Exit hooded figure.)

Sam: What’s going on here? Where am I?

Deception: Sam Tares, I am Mr. Deception, and you have been brought here to the spirit world, courtesy of the forces of darkness, to appear on hell’s biggest TV show, Gamble with Eternity.

Sam: Oh, I get it, this is a dream.

Deception: You don’t believe I’m a real demon from the spirit world?

Sam: Sure, you just forgot your red tights and your pitchfork. So, what am I supposed to do in this dream?

Deception: Ah, we’re glad you asked. You remember, some time ago, you visited a church of a different denomination than what you’re used to, and while you were there you heard a very unusual sermon.

(Enter pastor, carrying with him a cross the height of a coat rack that he stands upright on a base. A white robed hangs upon it.)

Sam: Yeah that’s the pastor, there.

Deception: Well, it’s really only an image of him. But, you may recall him saying something like this.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 7
  • Run Time: 14
SKU: gamble-with-eternity-437 Category: Tag:


The biggest TV game show in all of hell, the show that all the demons are watching, and the game that all the mortals are playing. Sulfur Productions presents: Gamble with Eternity focuses on salvation, judgment and false religion

Sample of script:

D. K.: (offstage announcer) And now it’s time for the biggest TV game show in all of hell, the show that all the demons are watching, and the game that all the mortals are playing. Sulfur Productions presents: “Gamble with Eternity”.

(Applause sounds. Enter Demon Deception and Miriam. Fade music.)

Deception: Welcome, everyone, to Gamble with Eternity. I’m your host, Mr. Deception, and here we are again with Miriam Dooble, who’s been on our show now for the last four episodes.

Miriam: Yeah it’s been great coming here to visit the spirit world. Like, I really get off on experiencing a higher plane, you know what I mean?

Deception: Yes, Miriam, you’ve been experiencing all sorts of different belief systems and mystical visions and revelations since you’ve been coming on our show, but last week you said you’ve finally found something you really liked.

Miriam: Right. The High Order of the Enlightened Unified Earth Lovers is just what I’ve been lookin’ for. I’ve always wanted to be reincarnated as a dolphin, and now I’ll get my chance.

Deception: And don’t forget you also get your own personal guru, and a year’s supply of Cosmic Karma incense. But tell us, Miriam, do you have any worries about whether your new religion will actually turn out to be true in the end?

Miriam: Hey, man, it’s true for me. Everybody has their own truth, man.


Deception: Isn’t that wonderful, audience, don’t you just love a happy contestant?

(Music. Enter hooded figure to lead off Miriam.)

Well, it’s time for you to get back home, Miriam, but thanks for being on our show, and we hope you enjoyed your visit to the spirit world.

Miriam: Hey, my friends’ll think it was outasite. Even better than an out-of-the-body experience.

Deception: We’ll see you again, Miriam.

(Exit Miriam and hooded figure.)

I’m sure we will see Miriam again, folks, but now it’s time to meet our next contestant. Tell us who he is, D. K.


D. K.: (Offstage voice.) Our next content is someone we’ve been hoping to get on our show for a long time. He’s prominent churchgoer and an active volunteer in many charities. Welcome Sam Tares.

(Enter puzzled Sam led by hooded figure. Cease music. Exit hooded figure.)

Sam: What’s going on here? Where am I?

Deception: Sam Tares, I am Mr. Deception, and you have been brought here to the spirit world, courtesy of the forces of darkness, to appear on hell’s biggest TV show, Gamble with Eternity.

Sam: Oh, I get it, this is a dream.

Deception: You don’t believe I’m a real demon from the spirit world?

Sam: Sure, you just forgot your red tights and your pitchfork. So, what am I supposed to do in this dream?

Deception: Ah, we’re glad you asked. You remember, some time ago, you visited a church of a different denomination than what you’re used to, and while you were there you heard a very unusual sermon.

(Enter pastor, carrying with him a cross the height of a coat rack that he stands upright on a base. A white robed hangs upon it.)

Sam: Yeah that’s the pastor, there.

Deception: Well, it’s really only an image of him. But, you may recall him saying something like this.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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