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Deceitful Heart

Run-time: 3
Cast-number: 2
Bible reference: James
Jimmy comes on stage   Jimmy:       Oh hi guys, I’m glad you’re here. Can I talk to you about a problem I’m having? Sometimes, I mean not all the time, I’m not sure I’m saved. I accepted Jesus as my Savior but I don’t feel anything in my heart.   Heart:        You rang?   Jimmy:       Who are you?   Heart:        I’m your heart.   Jimmy:       My heart?   Heart:        Yeah, you…

Did You Know The Truth

Run-time: 7
Cast-number: 2
Bible reference: John
Knowing a guru won't really help, but it does help to know the truth about Jesus? Sample of script: Norm walks on stage, sees Tony who is sitting on a stool at center stage. Norm mimes watching cars rush by. Norm: Hey, Tony, look out, there goes a car, nearly hit you! What are you doing sitting there in the middle of the street? Don’t you know you are going to get hit by a car, cause…

Disconnected Connections

Run-time: 12
Cast-number: 5
Bible reference: Proverbs
Getting connected, associating with other Christians. The importance of cultivating Christian friends, and of knowing that the true source of our power is God. Sample of script: actors come on stage Nancy: So anyhow, this guy says, “Which way to Toledo?”Nancy laughs hysterically, all others look on in embarrassed discomfort 2: Very good, Nancy! Anyyyhoowwwww. So, like I was saying, gals, what we need here is to get all connected. OK now let’s get with it! 3:…

Do Your Job

Run-time: 10
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Matthew
on witnessing Sample of script: Scene opens with a tight spot on young Paul who is on the telephone, at center stage. The phone could be on a small table to be removed later. Paul, (on phone): But Mom, I really don’t want to stay here! The food is awful, the beds are lumpy, and the people are weird! Pauses as if he is listening to his Mom. Paul: Well, yeah I did get to go swimming.…

Does God Exist

Run-time: 12
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Genesis
How do we convince anyone of the unseen proof of the ever-present God? Sample of script: Tim and Terry come on stage from one side, Tony from another Tony: Hey, Terry, Tim, so how’s it today? Terry, chuckling: Doing quite well so far, nothing major has gone wrong yet. Tony: I’m with you, Terry, lookin’ good so far. Tim: Yet! So far! That’s exactly the point! Yet! So far! Tony: I’m with you, Tim! “So far!” “Yet!”…

Dreaming Wild

Run-time: 12
Cast-number: 7
Bible reference: Ephesians
God gives us the gifts and the abilities to dream wild. We all have unique possibilities with God-given ability. Highland Church of Christ paced second in a national drama competition with this script. Sample of script: Amy is on stage, working with a coat hanger, all other actors except Ron come on stage Mark: Whatcha makin’ there Amy? Amy, too involved to answer: Huh? Mark: I said, whatcha makin’ there Amy? Amy: Listen, your gonna hafta keep…

Excuses On Trial

Run-time: 12
Cast-number: 8+
Bible reference: Luke
There is a judgement being handed down in the courtroom, and someone is paying for the guilty party's crime. Who would take the punishment for the crimes that someone else has committed? Who?? Sample pf script: all are on stage, Jessop is in the audience Bailiff: The case of the state versus Johnson, Your Honour. Pam Johnson comes to front, is seated in witness stand, Bailiff administers oath Bailiff: State your name please. Johnson: Pamela Jane Johnson.…

Excuses Unacceptable

Run-time: 12
Cast-number: 5
Bible reference: Luke
there is no excuse for not telling the story. We as Christians have a responsibility to tell others of the saving grace of Jesus. Judgement day is approaching for everyone. No one knows when. We must be ready. Are we? Are they? Sample of script: Scene opens as actor enters stage in low light. Spotlight slowly up as actor nears center stage. He looks around in frightened amazement, moves slowly to stand at center stage. Actor 1,…

Extraordinary Fashion

Run-time: 5
Cast-number: 5
Bible reference: 1.Samuel
The “Out of This World” Fashion Symposium is on, and everyone who is anyone, (and many who are not), are in attendance, promoting their latest creations. The slogan for this year’s conference is “Out With the Ordinary” so every designer is looking to be seen as “unordinary” in all that they do, showing off their “fashion sense” to their adoring public. Written for Assembly of God Fine Arts competition 2009, this script qualified for nationals competition, congratulations…

Extreme Love

Run-time: 15
Cast-number: 2
Bible reference: John
“If I can love when the world stops loving” Jesus wants us to love others in ways that are not always easy. In this christian skit we learn about loving to the extreme. Cast:Speaking parts two people, any age, male or female Non-speaking parts any number of people Sample of script: Tracy and the group are upstage at one side, miming arguing violently, (no sounds at all, but animated gesturing which clearly show conflict). After a short…
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