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Virtuous Woman

Run-time: 14
Cast-number: 4
Bible reference: Proverbs
No matter your lifestyle, background or occupation, all women can be virtuous, pleasing God Sample of script: Each actor is standing at center stage in a row across the stage, with sufficient room between each actor so the spotlight picks up only on actor at a time. When spot is on the speaking actor, all other actors are in total darkness. Scene opens spot comes up on ‘Housewife’. Speaking begins when spot is totally up. Housewife: Here…

Waiting For the Present

Run-time: 15
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Acts
Witnessing, attending church outreach activities. We must use all the powers which God gave us in order to be a fruitful witness and a mentor to others. Jesus taught by example and so must we. Some comedy. Sample of script: Billy: Hi guys, what’cha doin’? Bobby: Hi, Billy. Not doin’ much actually, just hangin’. Bert: Yep, that’s it, Billy, just hangin’. Bobby: Kinda borin’, this. Me ‘n Bert, all by ourselves, just waitin’ for somethin’ to happen.…

Waiting For Your Boaz

Run-time: 5
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Ruth
Here's a quick piece of Biblical advice for women who are in a hurry to get married: Ruth patiently waited for her mate Boaz. While waiting on YOUR Boaz, don't settle for ANY of his relatives. A comedy with a message. Cast: 3 female Sample of script: actors come on stage Nell: Hey Belle. Belle: Hey Nell. Nell: So . . . . Belle: So what? Nell: Tell me all about it, every delicious little detail. Belle:…

Wedding Promises & Proclamations From God

Run-time: 2
Cast-number: 0
Bible reference: Matthew
Theme:       A poem or reading for a Christian wedding.On this wedding day all is beautiful, serene. Even if there be clouds or rain still we see only the beautiful day, the incredible promise of a joy-filled life together, no hints of trouble anywhere.But the reality is there will be “cloudy” days in marriage, the idyllic picture of “happily ever after” will sometimes turn into times of trial, even conflict.Christians take heart . . .  whether days be…

What a Wonderful Mom

Run-time: 5
Cast-number: Varies
Bible reference: Exodus
A Mother’s Day tribute, (useful at any time of year), based on the melody and music of the awesome Louis Armstrong classic, "A Wonderful World." Amid all the claims and counterclaims about the roles and makeup of the modern family, one constant remain: the very best combination to nurture children are active, committed and growing-each-day-in-the-craft mother lady and father man, showing the femininity and the masculinity so very important in role-modeling. We realize that, as someone once…

What Doesn’t Make You Strong

Run-time: 5
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: 1Corinthians
Do I have a responsibility to my weaker "brother"? Must I watch what I do in case my actions impact on someone else?In this drama a young man feels he is free to do as he wishes, until his lifestyle proves the undoing of his brother.Sample of script:Jimmie comes on stage, obviously very unhappy, sits down, after a few second Bill and Don come on stageBill, to Jimmie: Hey little brother!Jimmie, hesitates to look at Bill, mumbles:…

What Goes On In The Ark

Run-time: 45
Cast-number: 8
Bible reference: Genesis
One of our most popular scripts. One church who staged it as a dinner theatre reports: "'What Goes On In The Ark' was so fun, the dinner was put together by the women and included servers in waiters attire and elegant table settings. The three sons were played by three crazy guys who did ad lib a lot but they were very funny. Our pastor played Noah and he was quite good as well. Some great additions…

When I Can’t Be There

Run-time: 2
Cast-number: 1
a wedding toast or blessing for the bride and groom, from a grandmother or other family member or friend who is unable to attend. Tells of how God is always there, in good times and bad.Sample of script:To (name of bride and groom)For those times when I can’t be thereI recall, with great joy and fond memories, the special times we have shared . .That is a blessing and a wonderful gift of being a Grandma, or…

When You Are Facing The Fire

Run-time: 12
Cast-number: 4
Bible reference: Hebrews
who do you trust when times are tough? Do we have the faith to give our trials and burdens to God. He will give us strength to deal with crisis and tribulations. We must rely on Him through prayer and understanding. Sample of script: Scene opens as Tom, Bernie and Rick enter stage right. They have obviously just come back from fighting a fire, and are congratulating each other and their fine work. They all move to…

Wheres This Baby Headed

Run-time: 70
Cast-number: 7
Bible reference: Luke
A modern day "Dickens-like Christmas Carol" look at corporate America as the executive of a "successful" software company express their opinions, and fears. Sometimes our success becomes more than we can handle. 2 main actors carry the bulk of the drama. There is a split stage format with the two actors performing on one side of the stage, while at the other side a scrim covering is used to display the past timeframes.This drama is entirely fictional,…