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The Reason

Run-time: 10
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: John
"The Reason" is a short drama about grief and compassion, as a married couple struggle to come to grips with the battlefield death of their only son. An answer comes in the form of an unexpected and unlikely visitor. Keywords: grief, anger, suffering, compassion, heroics, valor, sacrifice, forgiveness.     Bible Reference:     John 15:/p>   Cast:        Three adults: 2 males, 1 female, all old enough to be parents of a military-aged son. Ray Gilmore Helen Gilmore Tom…

The Right Person

Run-time: 9
Cast-number: 4
Bible reference: Ephesians
"Slaves" are offered for auction, but someone has already bought them.We are all tempted but we have all been bought, Satan will no longer have us in his grip if we confess our sins and ask the Lord to live in our hearts. Sample of script: World brings in Tony and Jerry, throws them to the floor World: There! Let the bidding begin! Two fine specimens! Satan walks over, laughing haughtily, looks Tony and Jerry over, smiles…

The Shepherd King

Run-time: 15
Cast-number: 10
Bible reference: 1Samuel
David is selected as King by Samuel. David became one of the greatest Kings to rule the people, and an ancestor of Jesus. Sample of Script: Narrator: Once upon a time, in a country far away, there lived an evil king, his name was King Saul. King Saul was so cruel that the people cried out to the Lord to send them a king who would be more kind.There was a man who worked in the temple,…

They Have To Know

Run-time: 9
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Matthew
Many Christians feel they are following all of God's commandments while living their daily lives. However, a lot of them seem to forget that God wants us to follow another commandment - baptism. Baptism could be one of the most powerful evangelism tools we have, if only we would be faithful in doing it! Sample of script: Scene opens as George enters, running, from stage right. He is very excited, looking all over to see if anyone…

Throughout Everywhere

Run-time: 5
Cast-number: 7
Bible reference: Matthew
How do you spread the message of salvation everywhere, when we know that things simply have to be done in an organized manner? Imagine trying to explain our mission strategy to . . God! Cast: 7 (includes male offstage voice) all except offstage voice may be m or f Set, sound, lighting, costumes: all standard Sample of the script: actors start to come on stage, chatting, excited, greeting each other 1: Hi people! What's happening? 2: Working…

Tithing Game

Run-time: 15
Cast-number: 5
Bible reference: Leviticus
Tithing is no game . People are shown what it would be like to tithe or not to tithe. The rewards are a blessing. Scene: The “stage” area is arranged something like a TV game show. The Emcee stands in the center with the two couples on either side of a table or counter. Since this is a rather informal game show, the couples may be seated if they so desire. Sample of script: Emcee: Welcome to…

Totally Lost

Run-time: 10
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Matthew
A drama on the lostness of man, we are lost without Jesus. He will show us the way if we have faith and trust in Him and His word. In this drama the man who is lost is "Dad" and, as is usual for a man, he is not about to stop and ask directions from anyone. A fun-filled look at lostness. Sample of script: actors are sitting on chairs, miming driving a car Teen: Is it…

Upon This Foundation

Run-time: 7
Cast-number: 10
Bible reference: Matthew
A meeting is held to set out the guidelines and operating parameters of a new church and there is “good” input as to what is needed and advisable for a culturally inclusive church. But the voice of Jesus keeps interrupting the proceedings. Drama illustrates the understanding of the Advent season, can be used at any time of year. Cast: 10 in total, Danny, Lady #1, #2, #3, Man #1, #2, #3, Narrators #1 & #2, Voice of…

Value of Labor

Run-time: 9
Cast-number: 2
Bible reference: Deuteronomy
The value of labour, the need for us to be productive and contributing members of society. Useful for Labor Day Sample of script: Jim: Good to see that day over and done with, I tell ya! Frank: It was a good day, wasn’t it Jim? Jim: Good? Guess you’re right Frank, it’s good now that it’s over. Frank: Did you hear the boss say we are four days ahead of schedule on this project? That really feels…

Walk of Prayer

Run-time: 4
Cast-number: 0
Bible reference: Acts
announcing crusade or event. Friends discuss the need to publically acknowledge their involvement in a crusade to learn more about the Lord. To show others how important this event is.