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  • Script Categories



Value of Labor

Run-time: 9
Cast-number: 2
Bible reference: Deuteronomy
The value of labour, the need for us to be productive and contributing members of society. Useful for Labor Day Sample of script: Jim: Good to see that day over and done with, I tell ya! Frank: It was a good day, wasn’t it Jim? Jim: Good? Guess you’re right Frank, it’s good now that it’s over. Frank: Did you hear the boss say we are four days ahead of schedule on this project? That really feels…

Waiting (Im)Patiently

Run-time: 8
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Psalm
Three old friends meet and remember how things were, how things are now, and how their prayers apparently have not been answered. Bible Reference:     Psalm 145:16 Cast:         3 (females, 20’s or 30’s)Sara (single)Christy (childless)Amy (aimless)            Set:         blank Lighting:    one or more spotlights will be useful Sound, Costumes:    standard Time:       8 Sample of script:       Amy, Sara and Christy come on stage Sara:         So on the way back from the show in Rome I stopped off for the weekend in Paris. Christy:      Shut up! . . . How lucky…

Walk of Prayer

Run-time: 4
Cast-number: 0
Bible reference: Acts
announcing crusade or event. Friends discuss the need to publically acknowledge their involvement in a crusade to learn more about the Lord. To show others how important this event is.

When You Are Facing The Fire

Run-time: 12
Cast-number: 4
Bible reference: Hebrews
who do you trust when times are tough? Do we have the faith to give our trials and burdens to God. He will give us strength to deal with crisis and tribulations. We must rely on Him through prayer and understanding. Sample of script: Scene opens as Tom, Bernie and Rick enter stage right. They have obviously just come back from fighting a fire, and are congratulating each other and their fine work. They all move to…